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Business Plan: $50K/Month Crossfit Niche Marketing Agency

Riken Maharjan

Joe Davies lays it out in this video 👀


There are 5000 CrossFit gyms [in the USA]… if you can convert 1% of those 5000 gyms… that’ll get you 50 clients.

To start, offer a low-commitment entry service like building a high-converting landing page and running ads.

Charge $500–$1000 for the trial run (including ad spend) and guarantee a certain number of leads to build trust 👍

Get those results, then upsell to $1000/month retainers.

If all goes well, you can add on other services (eg. SEO, GMB optimization, etc.) and charge more 💰

Build case studies of your most successful clients, leverage those to land others.

If you’re struggling to get any takers, Joe suggests doing the first 2 free of charge.

And if the CrossFit niche doesn’t tickle your fancy, you could always try this approach with another niche 🎯

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