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$10K Per Month From Unbundling ChatGPT

Riken Maharjan
Mustafa Ergisi
  • Mustafa Ergisi

  • Founder of AI2sql
  • $10,000 monthly revenue

📝 Glen Allsopp writes…

The business is AI2sql by Mustafa Ergisi.

SQL is a coding language for interacting with databases, and it can get quite complex 😱

Glen explains…

[AI2sql] can write queries, explain what it wrote, and also improve existing queries you may already use…

Without knowing anything about the tool, I am going to guess that standard ChatGPT could handle the majority of use cases…

Of course, it doesn’t really matter if ChatGPT can do the same thing as AI2sql – people are clearly happy to pay for specialized solutions 💸

What other functionality can you “unbundle” from an all-purpose AI tool like ChatGPT?

Also, Mustafa recently tweeted

Stop chasing AI hype. Start chasing customer pain. Why some of today’s most profitable SaaS companies are ‘just’ solving fundamental business problems really well. 😉

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