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Deadly Side Hustle Can Earn Him $1000+ Per Day

Riken Maharjan
Shaun Tookey
  • Shaun Tookey

  • Grave Cleaner
  • $1000+ per day

👀 Kimberly Mitchell shares on YouTube…

  • These 4 Compassionate Side Hustles Can Make You $5,000/Month…

The four…

  • Cemetery Plot Maintenance & Cleaning
  • Creating Memorial Keepsakes
  • Starting a Support Group YouTube Channel
  • Selling Funeral Stationery & Keepsakes

I really liked the sound of the first one, went searching and found a recent success story in the NY Post 👇

Shaun Tookey, 31, has cleaned more than 300 graves since he began his side business in May 2023.

Families will pay him between $187 and $312 for a deep clean and $437 and $562 for a deep clean, repainted lettering and decorative chippings for headstones belonging to loved ones.

He said it can take him up to two hours and he cleans between two and four graves a day

To get started, Kimberly recommends contacting funeral homes and funeral parlors in your area, build relationships there and see if they’d be willing to connect you with their clients 🤝

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