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Get Paid $25/Hour To Train AI (No Experience Required)

Riken Maharjan
  • Riley Willis

  • AI Contractor
  • $25 per hour

📝 From…

Article is about Riley Willis, “an AI contractor, working in data annotation through a company called👇

Willis said his days consist of “fact-checking” the output of various AI models — but only because that’s what he chooses to take on. 

He says offers a variety of projects for contract workers to choose from, including teaching AI to improve its creative writing and coding skills.

His starting rate was $20/hour, now averages $25/hour 🤑

Riley says you can do this as a side hustle as well, spend a couple of hours a day at it.

According to’s about page, you don’t need any AI experience to apply for this 👍

Let me know if you give it a try.

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