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He Got AI To Start a Business For Him While He Watched

Riken Maharjan

👀 A recent video from Chris Koerner…

  • MIND. BLOWN! I Just Paid ChatGPT Operator $200 to Build a Business…

Operator is an AI agent “that can use its own browser to perform tasks for you” 🤖

$200/mo for access, US only and has some restrictions. (Free alternative outlined here if you’re more tech savvy, and a $20/mo alternative.)…

Chris told Operator to…

  • Browse Facebook Marketplace 
  • Find people nearby who are trying to get rid of pianos
  • Message them
  • Offer $200 to take their piano away

Chris focuses on the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where there are 50-60 free pianos listed every day 🎹

Even if only a small % take the offer…

That’s 28 people a week agreeing to pay $200, that’s $5600 a week… that could be a six-figure business

Obviously you’d have to rent a truck to move the pianos, probably fees to dispose of them, and there’s a good bit of manual labor involved 💪

Still, it’s impressive to see how he’s able to test out this idea with AI doing a lot of the initial work.

Well worth watching his video and thinking about how else you could use Operator to test your ideas 🧐

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