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Simple Chrome Extension = $150/Day Passive Income

Riken Maharjan
  • hymnzzy

  • Founder of AIS Visa Auto Rescheduler
  • $150 per day

📝 u/hymnzzy posts on Reddit

I created a Chrome Extension for an extremely lacking feature on a certain website. It’s a freemium thing. Clocks $150 daily on average…

I didn’t advertise anywhere else except making a post on a Reddit sub for unethical tips 🤦🏻‍♂️

It took 6 months before it started getting any traction. Now it’s just passive income.

This Jan 2024 comment might be the “advertisement” they alluded to.

The extension, launched in mid-2023 👉 AIS Visa Auto Rescheduler

This extension reschedules US Visa application appointment [on this website] to an earlier date automatically.

Got me thinking: what other big websites are lacking features that a Chrome Extension could fix? 🤔

Probably a lot of government websites.

First two ideas when I asked ChatGPT for suggestions 👇

  • DMV Appointment Notifier: extension would monitor availability and alert you when an earlier date opens up.
  • USCIS Case Tracker: Auto-refreshes case statuses and notifies you when there’s an update.

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