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1-Year-Old Websites Making Up To $100K Per Month

Riken Maharjan

  • Website
  • $10,500 estimated monthly revenue

In a new video, Spencer Haws breaks down 4 websites that are making big money despite being less than a year old 👇

The second is the most interesting to me: an independent blog providing tips, hacks, and reviews for the popular Duolingo language-learning app 🦉

Monetized with display ads, ranking on Google for queries like…

  • duolingo promo code
  • how much is super duolingo
  • duolingo levels

💬 Spencer comments…

I love this example because it takes a larger brand or trend and capitalizes on it. 

What large company or business could you become an expert on and ride their coattails to $10,000 per month?

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