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Niche Study Guide Selling on Amazon = $8.7K/Month Profit

Riken Maharjan
Estimated read time: 1 min
Amazon KDP
  • Unknown

  • Amazon KDP Business
  • $8790 monthly profit

Details from this Flippa listing 👇

  • Amazon KDP business
  • Launched in 2023
  • 6 books
  • Main product: ASVAB study guide (for a US military exam)
  • $8,790 monthly profit

I searched for ASVAB study guides on Amazon but couldn’t find the exact business 🧐

Sounds like they’re selling more than just ebooks though…

The use of a dedicated web app and email support enhances the study process by providing interactive learning tools like practice tests, flashcards, and study guides.

Anyway, this got me thinking…

What other study guides could you sell on Amazon? 🤔

Is there a standardized exam for a niche/industry/profession that you’re familiar with?

Could be worth checking if there are any existing guides on Amazon, and if they’re any good.

The above business only launched in 2023 and they’ve been able to compete with all the existing players 💪

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